Sources of stress come in all sizes. Most of us focus on the big ones, but the little ones which happen frequently really add up and wear us down. So how can we minimize minor stressors?
I have designed systems into my life that protect me from countless minor stings of stress that come from aggravations and annoyances like forgetting my keys or not having cash on me for that once a month moment when I need it.
With a bit of preparation and dash of habit, you never have to endure the stress of your phone running out of battery or not having a pen when you desperately need one.
When the little little things stop stressing you out, you’ll have more resilience available to you to engage with a loved one that needs you or a crisis at work.
Think of it as a reverse savings account. Every time we minimize minor stressors or delete them from our day, we add a little bit of resiliency to our lives.
They might seem like little things, but in total, they have an enormous impact.
To find out more about external stressors check out my blog post.
Or if you would like to learn more about reducing stress visit my Youtube channel here.